"Some friends knock on the door to your heart, while others leave handprints on your heart."

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cabin Week

My wonderful friend Sarah and me
me and the lanscape

Hey guys! I am finally starting and posting my blog! I couldn't have done it without the help of my wonderful Aunt Charlene. Thank you Thank you! Well last weekend, my roommate Brittany and some of our friends went up to her cabin in the Uintah mountains in Utah. It was such a great getaway to say the least! It was my third time going up and the last weekend that all our roommates would be together for the rest of the summer.


  1. YEAH!!! I can't wait for more!!! :) Love Ya!

  2. J'neen! That was such a good weekend! :) well... most of it was... hahaha. Thanks for reminding me of it though :) So guess what? You should do another post soon! Youre the best!
